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Grender.h File Reference
#include "Gpreview.h"
#include "main/region.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  prevData
struct  prevDataText
struct  prevDataLine
struct  prevDataRect
struct  prevDataPoint
struct  prevDataPoly
struct  prevDataCircle
struct  prevDataEllipse
struct  prevDataImage
struct  prevDataLineF
struct  prevDataRectF
struct  prevDataPointF
struct  prevDataPolyF
struct  prevDataCircleF
struct  prevDataEllipseF


#define FONT_SMALL   0x01
#define FONT_MED   0x02
#define FONT_BIG   0x03
#define FONT_MASK   0x03
#define FONT_SHIFT   0x02
#define REGION_COM   (2<<FONT_SHIFT)
#define REGION_ID   (11<<FONT_SHIFT)
#define REGION_MASK   0x3C
#define RENDER_XOR   (0x20000000)
#define RENDER_THICK   (0x40000000)
#define RENDER_CLEAR   (0x80000000)


void prev_drawInit (prevBuffer *buf, gint r, gint g, gint b)
float prev_drawInitFull (prevBuffer *buf, gint r, gint g, gint b, gint disp_mode)
void prev_colConvert (iwColtab ctab, gint r, gint g, gint b, gint *rd, gint *gd, gint *bd)
char * prev_colString (iwColtab ctab, gint r, gint g, gint b)
float prev_colInit (prevBuffer *buf, int disp_mode, iwColtab model, gint r, gint g, gint b, gint colindex)
void prev_drawPoint (int x, int y)
void prev_drawPoint_gray_nc (int x, int y)
void prev_drawPoint_gray_nc_xor (int x, int y)
void prev_drawPoint_color_nc (int x, int y)
void prev_drawPoint_color_nc_xor (int x, int y)
void prev_drawPoint_color_nc_nm (int x, int y)
void prev_drawFRect (int x, int y, int width, int height)
void prev_drawFRect_gray_nc (int x, int y, int width, int height)
void prev_drawFRect_color_nc (int x, int y, int width, int height)
void prev_drawLine (int x, int y, int X, int Y)
void prev_drawPoly (int npts, const prevDataPoint *pts)
void prev_drawFPoly (int npts, const prevDataPoint *pts)
void prev_drawConvexPoly (int npts, const prevDataPoint *pts)
void prev_drawCircle (int x, int y, int radius)
void prev_drawFCircle (int x, int y, int radius)
void prev_drawEllipse (int x, int y, int width, int height, int angle, int arc_start, int arc_end, gboolean filled)
void prev_drawString (int x, int y, const char *str)
void prev_gc_init (prevGC *gc)
void prev_drawBackground (prevBuffer *b)
void prev_set_bg_color (prevBuffer *buf, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b)
void prev_set_thickness (prevBuffer *buf, int thickness)
gboolean prev_prepare_draw (prevBuffer *b, int disp_mode, int width, int height)
void prev_render_data (prevBuffer *b, prevType type, const void *data, int disp_mode, int width, int height)
void prev_render_list (prevBuffer *b, prevType type, const void *data, int size, int cnt, int disp_mode, int width, int height)
void prev_render_set (prevBuffer *b, const prevData *data, int cnt, int disp_mode, int width, int height)
void prev_render_texts (prevBuffer *b, const prevDataText *texts, int cnt, int disp_mode, int width, int height)
void prev_render_lines (prevBuffer *b, const prevDataLine *lines, int cnt, int disp_mode, int width, int height)
void prev_render_rects (prevBuffer *b, const prevDataRect *rects, int cnt, int disp_mode, int width, int height)
void prev_render_frects (prevBuffer *b, const prevDataRect *frects, int cnt, int disp_mode, int width, int height)
void prev_render_polys (prevBuffer *b, const prevDataPoly *polys, int cnt, int disp_mode, int width, int height)
void prev_render_fpolys (prevBuffer *b, const prevDataPoly *polys, int cnt, int disp_mode, int width, int height)
void prev_render_circles (prevBuffer *b, const prevDataCircle *circ, int cnt, int disp_mode, int width, int height)
void prev_render_fcircles (prevBuffer *b, const prevDataCircle *circ, int cnt, int disp_mode, int width, int height)
void prev_render_ellipses (prevBuffer *b, const prevDataEllipse *ellipse, int cnt, int disp_mode, int width, int height)
void prev_render_regions (prevBuffer *b, const iwRegion *regions, int cnt, int disp_mode, int width, int height)
void prev_render_COMinfos (prevBuffer *b, const iwRegCOMinfo *regions, int cnt, int disp_mode, int width, int height)
void prev_render_imgs (prevBuffer *b, const prevDataImage *imgs, int cnt, int disp_mode, int width, int height)
void prev_render (prevBuffer *b, guchar **planes, int width, int height, iwColtab ctab)
void prev_render_int (prevBuffer *b, const gint32 *src, int w, int h, long col_step)
void prev_render_text (prevBuffer *b, int disp_mode, int width, int height, int x, int y, const char *format,...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(7
void void prev_render_init (void)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define FONT_SMALL   0x01

Font to use for displaying text

#define FONT_MED   0x02


#define FONT_BIG   0x03


#define FONT_MASK   0x03

All bits of the fonts

#define FONT_SHIFT   0x02

Number of bits used by the fonts


Display no text

#define REGION_COM   (2<<FONT_SHIFT)

Display center of mass


Display pixel count


Display length of polygon


Display eccentricity


Display compactness


Display avg. confidenceValue


Display rating of the region


Display kalman rating of the region


Display motion rating of the region

#define REGION_ID   (11<<FONT_SHIFT)

Display the ID

#define REGION_MASK   0x3C

All bits above

#define RENDER_XOR   (0x20000000)
#define RENDER_THICK   (0x40000000)

Use thickness for line oriented drawings

#define RENDER_CLEAR   (0x80000000)

Clear the buffer and free all old render data (IMPORTANT to prevent mem leaks)

Function Documentation

void prev_drawInit ( prevBuffer buf,
gint  r,
gint  g,
gint  b 

  Set color and dest buffer for the primitive drawing functions
  prev_drawPoint() to prev_drawString(). If a color component is set
  to -1, the corresponding channel is not changed.
  prev_drawInitFull(): Return zoom factor.

float prev_drawInitFull ( prevBuffer buf,
gint  r,
gint  g,
gint  b,
gint  disp_mode 
void prev_colConvert ( iwColtab  ctab,
gint  r,
gint  g,
gint  b,
gint *  rd,
gint *  gd,
gint *  bd 

  PRIVATE: Convert from ctab to the rgb color space.

char* prev_colString ( iwColtab  ctab,
gint  r,
gint  g,
gint  b 

  Calls prev_colConvert() and returns a pointer to a static string

float prev_colInit ( prevBuffer buf,
int  disp_mode,
iwColtab  model,
gint  r,
gint  g,
gint  b,
gint  colindex 

  Set color and buffer for following drawing primitives.
  Calls prev_drawInitFull() and returns zoom factor.

void prev_drawPoint ( int  x,
int  y 

  Draw a point/filled rectangle/line/polygon/filled polygon/
  convex filled polygon/circle/filled cirecle/ellipse in the
  buffer set with drawInit().
  .._nc()          : No clipping (-> no check of the coordinates).
  .._gray|color_..(): Assume buffer is gray|color.
  ATTENTION: Low-Level functions without buffer locking or check for
             open windows.

void prev_drawPoint_gray_nc ( int  x,
int  y 
void prev_drawPoint_gray_nc_xor ( int  x,
int  y 
void prev_drawPoint_color_nc ( int  x,
int  y 
void prev_drawPoint_color_nc_xor ( int  x,
int  y 
void prev_drawPoint_color_nc_nm ( int  x,
int  y 
void prev_drawFRect ( int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height 
void prev_drawFRect_gray_nc ( int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height 
void prev_drawFRect_color_nc ( int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height 
void prev_drawLine ( int  x,
int  y,
int  X,
int  Y 
void prev_drawPoly ( int  npts,
const prevDataPoint pts 
void prev_drawFPoly ( int  npts,
const prevDataPoint pts 
void prev_drawConvexPoly ( int  npts,
const prevDataPoint pts 
void prev_drawCircle ( int  x,
int  y,
int  radius 
void prev_drawFCircle ( int  x,
int  y,
int  radius 
void prev_drawEllipse ( int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height,
int  angle,
int  arc_start,
int  arc_end,
gboolean  filled 
void prev_drawString ( int  x,
int  y,
const char *  str 

  Draw a text at pos (x,y) with font given with prev_drawInitFull() or
  via the menu appended with prev_opts_append().
  Differnt in-string formating options and '\n','\t' are supported:
  Format: <tag1=value tag2="value" tag3> with
  tag    value                                              result
  <                                                    '<' - string
  anchor tl|tr|br|bl|c    (x,y) at topleft,..., center pos of text
  fg    [rgb:|yuv:|bgr:|bw:|index:]r g b          forground color
  bg    [rgb:|yuv:|bgr:|bw:|index:]r g b          background color
  font  small|med|big                                  font to use
  adjust left|center|right                          text adjustment
  rotate 0|90|180|270  rotate text beginning with the current line
  shadow 1|0                                          shadow on/off
  zoom  1|0                                      zoom text on/off
  /                                return to values before last <>
  ATTENTION: Low-Level function without buffer locking or check for
             open windows.

void prev_gc_init ( prevGC gc)

  PRIVATE: Fill gc struct with default values.

void prev_drawBackground ( prevBuffer b)

  Fill b with the bg color.
  ATTENTION: Low-Level function without buffer locking or check for
             open windows.

void prev_set_bg_color ( prevBuffer buf,
uchar  r,
uchar  g,
uchar  b 

  Set color which is used for clearing the buffer (RENDER_CLEAR).

void prev_set_thickness ( prevBuffer buf,
int  thickness 

  Set thickness for line oriented drawings.

gboolean prev_prepare_draw ( prevBuffer b,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height 

  Some random things which must be done before drawing
  (is already done for all prev_render_...()):
    - lock the buffer
    - if RENDER_CLEAR is set:
        - clear the buffer
        - free all old render data
        - store the render size (width,height) in b->gc (if >= 0)
  Returns TRUE if anything should be done (-> if the window is open).

void prev_render_data ( prevBuffer b,
prevType  type,
const void *  data,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height 

  Draw the data (
    - one element of type type
    - a list, length: cnt, size of one element: size, type:type
    - a set of different elements with cnt elements)
  in buffer b, such that an area of size width x height fits into the
  buffer. If width/height < 0 or RENDER_CLEAR is not set, the last
  values for this buffer b are used. Mode of display disp_mode
  defined by flags in header file. If no flags are set and option
  widgets are appended to the window, these widgets are used.

void prev_render_list ( prevBuffer b,
prevType  type,
const void *  data,
int  size,
int  cnt,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height 
void prev_render_set ( prevBuffer b,
const prevData data,
int  cnt,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height 
void prev_render_texts ( prevBuffer b,
const prevDataText texts,
int  cnt,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height 

  Wrapper around prev_render_list().
  _texts(): Formating options of prev_drawString() are supported.

void prev_render_lines ( prevBuffer b,
const prevDataLine lines,
int  cnt,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height 
void prev_render_rects ( prevBuffer b,
const prevDataRect rects,
int  cnt,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height 
void prev_render_frects ( prevBuffer b,
const prevDataRect frects,
int  cnt,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height 
void prev_render_polys ( prevBuffer b,
const prevDataPoly polys,
int  cnt,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height 
void prev_render_fpolys ( prevBuffer b,
const prevDataPoly polys,
int  cnt,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height 
void prev_render_circles ( prevBuffer b,
const prevDataCircle circ,
int  cnt,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height 
void prev_render_fcircles ( prevBuffer b,
const prevDataCircle circ,
int  cnt,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height 
void prev_render_ellipses ( prevBuffer b,
const prevDataEllipse ellipse,
int  cnt,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height 
void prev_render_regions ( prevBuffer b,
const iwRegion regions,
int  cnt,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height 
void prev_render_COMinfos ( prevBuffer b,
const iwRegCOMinfo regions,
int  cnt,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height 
void prev_render_imgs ( prevBuffer b,
const prevDataImage imgs,
int  cnt,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height 
void prev_render ( prevBuffer b,
guchar **  planes,
int  width,
int  height,
iwColtab  ctab 

  Render planes of size width x height and color mode/table ctab
  (IW_YUV, IW_RGB, ..., or an own table) in preview window b.

void prev_render_int ( prevBuffer b,
const gint32 *  src,
int  w,
int  h,
long  col_step 

  Render the img src (size: w x h) in buffer b by using the function
  dest = src * col_step % 256.
  If col_step > 255 it is interpreted as a color table for rendering
  the dest image (and a col_Step of 1 is used).

void prev_render_text ( prevBuffer b,
int  disp_mode,
int  width,
int  height,
int  x,
int  y,
const char *  format,

  Render str in b at position (x,y). Printf style arguments and the
  formating options of prev_drawString() are supported.

void void prev_render_init ( void  )

  PRIVATE: Called from prev_init() to initialise the render functions.