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1 /* -*- mode: C; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*- */
3 /*
4  * Author: Frank Loemker
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 1999-2009
7  * Frank Loemker, Applied Computer Science, Faculty of Technology,
8  * Bielefeld University, Germany
9  *
10  * This file is part of iceWing, a graphical plugin shell.
11  *
12  * iceWing is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15  * (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * iceWing is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * GNU General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
25  */
27 #ifndef iw_Gpreview_H
28 #define iw_Gpreview_H
30 #include <stdio.h>
31 #include <gtk/gtk.h>
32 #include "Gcolor.h"
33 #include "Gimage.h"
34 #include "Gdata.h"
36 /* Identifies data for rendering, e.g.
37  in prev_render_data(), prev_render_list(), and prev_render_set() */
38 typedef enum { /* Types containing the data: */
39  PREV_IMAGE, /* prevDataImage */
40  PREV_TEXT, /* prevDataText */
41  PREV_LINE, /* prevDataLine */
42  PREV_RECT, /* prevDataRect */
43  PREV_FRECT, /* prevDataRect (filled rectangle) */
44  PREV_REGION, /* iwRegion */
45  PREV_POLYGON, /* prevDataPoly */
46  PREV_FPOLYGON, /* prevDataPoly (filled polygon) */
47  PREV_CIRCLE, /* prevDataCircle */
48  PREV_FCIRCLE, /* prevDataCircle (filled circle) */
49  PREV_ELLIPSE, /* prevDataEllipse */
50  PREV_COMINFO, /* iwRegCOMinfo */
51  PREV_LINE_F, /* prevDataLineF */
52  PREV_RECT_F, /* prevDataRectF */
53  PREV_FRECT_F, /* prevDataRectF (filled rectangle) */
54  PREV_POLYGON_F, /* prevDataPolyF */
55  PREV_FPOLYGON_F, /* prevDataPolyF (filled polygon) */
56  PREV_CIRCLE_F, /* prevDataCircleF */
57  PREV_FCIRCLE_F, /* prevDataCircleF (filled circle) */
58  PREV_ELLIPSE_F, /* prevDataEllipseF */
59  PREV_NEW = 100 /* For prev_renderdb_register() to add a new type,
60  (100 to have some free values before to add new PREV_...) */
61 } prevType;
63 /* User event in a preview window,
64  see prev_signal_connect() and prev_signal_connect2() */
65 typedef enum {
69  PREV_KEY_PRESS = 1 << 3,
71 } prevEvent;
73 typedef enum {
79 } prevSave;
81 typedef struct _prevSettings prevSettings;
82 typedef struct _prevBuffer prevBuffer;
84 typedef struct prevEventAny {
86 } prevEventAny;
87 typedef struct prevEventButton {
89  guint32 time; /* Time this event happend */
90  guint state; /* State of modifier keys (GDK_SHIFT_MASK, ...) */
91  int x, y; /* Coordinates without zooming and panning */
92  int x_orig, y_orig; /* Original screen coordinates */
93  guint button; /* Number of pressed button */
95 typedef struct prevEventMotion {
97  guint32 time; /* Time this event happend */
98  guint state; /* State of modifier keys (GDK_SHIFT_MASK, ...) */
99  int x, y; /* Coordinates without zooming and panning */
100  int x_orig, y_orig; /* Original screen coordinates */
101  guint button; /* Number of pressed button */
103 typedef struct prevEventKey{
105  guint32 time; /* Time this event happend */
106  guint state; /* State of modifier keys (GDK_SHIFT_MASK, ...) */
107  guint keyval; /* Pressed key (GDK_A, ..., GDK_Shift_L, ...) */
108  int length; /* Length of string */
109  char *string; /* Text result from keyval */
110 } prevEventKey;
111 typedef union prevEventData {
116 } prevEventData;
118 typedef void (*prevButtonFunc) (prevBuffer *b, prevEvent signal, int x, int y, void *data);
119 typedef void (*prevSignalFunc) (prevBuffer *b, prevEventData *event, void *data);
121 /* PRIVATE */
122 typedef struct {
123  int width, height; /* Size of largest rendering since last window clear */
124  guchar bg_r, bg_g, bg_b; /* Color for background clearing */
126 } prevGC;
128 /* A window which can be used to render/visualize any results.
129  Created by prev_new_window(). */
130 struct _prevBuffer {
131  guchar *buffer; /* Buffer for the to be displayed image */
132  int width, height; /* Size of buffer */
133  gboolean gray; /* Color or Grayscale */
134  char *title; /* Title of the window */
136  int x, y; /* Left upper edge of part displayed in the window */
137  float zoom; /* Zoom factor, if 0 fit to window is used */
139  GtkWidget *window; /* Window for the to be displayed buffer,
140  if !=NULL the preview window is open */
141  /* PRIVATE */
142  gboolean save_rdata; /* Save original render data? */
143  GArray *rdata; /* Saved render data */
145  GtkWidget *drawing; /* Destination for gdk_draw_rgb_image() */
146  int draw_width, draw_height;/* Size of drawable */
147  GdkGC *g_gc; /* gc for gdk_draw_rgb_image() */
149  GHashTable *opts; /* Options data for this window, see prev_opts_xxx() */
151  GtkWidget *menu; /* Context menu */
152  GtkItemFactory *factory; /* The item factory for the context menu */
153  GtkAccelGroup *accel; /* The window accelerator group */
154  prevSettings *settings; /* Data for the settings window */
156  GSList *cback; /* List of callbacks for this window */
158  prevGC gc; /* Render options */
160  guint expose_id; /* ID of the expose idle-handler */
161  prevSave save; /* !=SAVE_NONE -> prev_render() saves the image */
162  GtkWidget *save_widget; /* Pointer to the active menu entry (for SAVE SEQ) */
164  gboolean save_done; /* Set in prev_render() if save!=SAVE_NONE, */
165  /* reseted in prev_draw_buffer() */
166  int save_cnt; /* How many times the buffer was saved? */
169 };
171 typedef struct {
172  char *fname; /* Destination file name */
173  FILE *file; /* Destination file */
174  float zoom;
175  guiData rdata; /* Entry for the renderer to store persistent data */
179 typedef void (*renderDbOptsFunc) (prevBuffer *b);
180 typedef void (*renderDbFreeFunc) (void *data);
181 typedef void* (*renderDbCopyFunc) (const void *data);
182 typedef void (*renderDbRenderFunc) (prevBuffer *b, const void *data, int disp_mode);
183 typedef char* (*renderDbInfoFunc) (prevBuffer *b, const void *data, int disp_mode, int x, int y, int radius);
185  const void *data, int disp_mode);
187 /* prev_set_render_size(prevBuffer *b, int width, int height)
188  Update render_{width|height} in buffer b. */
189 #define prev_set_render_size(b,width,height) G_STMT_START { \
190  if ((width) >= 0) (b)->gc.width = (width); \
191  if ((height) >= 0) (b)->gc.height = (height); \
192 } G_STMT_END
194 #ifdef __cplusplus
195 extern "C" {
196 #endif
198 /*********************************************************************
199  Must be called on access of a prevBuffer->buffer.
200  Attention: gdk-/X11-mutex must not be locked before locking this
201  mutex.
202 *********************************************************************/
203 void prev_buffer_lock (void);
204 void prev_buffer_unlock (void);
206 /*********************************************************************
207  Register a new render type 'type'.
208  If 'type' == PREV_NEW use the first unused value and return it.
209 *********************************************************************/
211  renderDbFreeFunc f_fkt, renderDbCopyFunc c_fkt,
212  renderDbRenderFunc r_fkt);
214 /*********************************************************************
215  Register a function which is called for the "Info Window".
216 *********************************************************************/
219 /*********************************************************************
220  Register a function for saving in a vector format.
221 *********************************************************************/
224 /*********************************************************************
225  Store a value associated to type and return its address.
226  free_data==TRUE: If the window b is freed, data is freed by calling
227  free().
228  Used in renderDbOptsFunc() to store the value of the menu entry.
229 *********************************************************************/
230 void** prev_opts_store (prevBuffer *b, prevType type,
231  void *data, gboolean free_data);
232 /*********************************************************************
233  Get the value associated to type stored with prev_opts_store().
234 *********************************************************************/
235 void** prev_opts_get (prevBuffer *b, prevType type);
236 /*********************************************************************
237  Append option widgets to the window specific menu according to
238  the given types. Last argument must be '-1'.
239 *********************************************************************/
240 void prev_opts_append (prevBuffer *b, prevType type, ...);
242 /*********************************************************************
243  Return zoom factor to get something of size
244  b->gc.width x b->gc.height into buffer b.
245 *********************************************************************/
246 float prev_get_zoom (prevBuffer *b);
248 /*********************************************************************
249  If b->save!=SAVE_NONE:
250  img!=NULL: Save image img.
251  img==NULL: Save image b->buffer (size: b->width x b->height).
252  Attention: prev_buffer_(un)lock is called.
253 *********************************************************************/
254 void prev_chk_save (prevBuffer *b, const iwImage *img);
256 /*********************************************************************
257  If b->window is open, display b->buffer.
258 *********************************************************************/
259 void prev_draw_buffer (prevBuffer *b);
261 /*********************************************************************
262  If zoom >= 0, change zoom level of the preview.
263  If x >= 0 or y >= 0 pan the preview to that position.
264 *********************************************************************/
265 void prev_pan_zoom (prevBuffer *b, int x, int y, float zoom);
267 /*********************************************************************
268  Call cback with data as last argument if one of the signals
269  specified with sigset occured.
270 *********************************************************************/
271 void prev_signal_connect (prevBuffer *b, prevEvent sigset,
272  prevButtonFunc cback, void *data);
273 void prev_signal_connect2 (prevBuffer *b, prevEvent sigset,
274  prevSignalFunc cback, void *data);
276 /*********************************************************************
277  Return the page number for the preview settings window. Allows to
278  create any widgets with the help of the opts_() functions.
279 *********************************************************************/
280 int prev_get_page (prevBuffer *b);
282 /*********************************************************************
283  Close preview window b (if necessary), remove it from the CList and
284  free its memory.
285 *********************************************************************/
286 void prev_free_window (prevBuffer *b);
288 /*********************************************************************
289  Initialise a new preview window (Title: title, size: width x height,
290  depth: 24bit (gray==FALSE) or 8 Bit (gray==TRUE)).
291  show == TRUE: The window is shown immediately.
292  width, heigth < 0 : Default width, height is used.
293  title contains '.' (a'.'b): Window is shown in the list of windows
294  under node a with entry b.
295 *********************************************************************/
296 prevBuffer *prev_new_window (const char *title, int width, int height,
297  gboolean gray, gboolean show);
299 /*********************************************************************
300  Copy the content of a preview window into an iceWing image. The
301  preview window needs to be open (buffer->window != NULL), otherwise
302  NULL is returned. If save_full the full visible preview window size
303  is used, otherwise the size of the displayed data is used.
304 *********************************************************************/
305 iwImage *prev_copy_to_image (prevBuffer *b, gboolean save_full);
307 #ifdef __cplusplus
308 }
309 #endif
311 #endif /* iw_Gpreview_H */