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Data Fields
grabImageData Struct Reference

#include <grab.h>

Data Fields

iwImage img
struct timeval time
int img_number
char * fname
int frame_number
float downw
float downh
void * reserved1
void * reserved2

Detailed Description

Type of the data the grabbing plugin is providing for other plugins under the identifiers "image" and "imageRGB"

Field Documentation

iwImage grabImageData::img

The image data

struct timeval grabImageData::time

Time the image was grabbed

int grabImageData::img_number

Consecutive number of the grabbed image

char* grabImageData::fname

If image was read from a file, the name of the file

int grabImageData::frame_number

Image from video file -> frame number, 0 otherwise

float grabImageData::downw
float grabImageData::downh

Down sampling, which was applied to the image

void* grabImageData::reserved1
void* grabImageData::reserved2

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: